About Me

9 to 5 ...

... might have become my everyday life if I hadn't thrown in the towel after three semesters of studying traffic engineering and decided to study music instead.
Today, various musical projects fill my working days and I enjoy the fact that no two days are the same.

Arranger & Composer

I started writing a cappella arrangements more than 25 years ago. What started with Backstreet Boys in my walkman and pencil in hand became a passion and eventually my profession. Today I have published over 100 arrangements and compositions. The positive feedback that I receive tells me that I have not only found what I enjoy doing but also what I apparently do quite well. That makes me very happy.

Producer & Pianist

With muSix and ONAIR I have given well over 1000 concerts both at home and abroad. Since I became a father, however, I prefer to spend my weekends with my loved ones rather than on Germany's highways. In my little FluegelMusic studio, I write songs and arrangements, produce audio for other artists, and also teach piano lessons...and when the urge to travel hits me again, I spend a couple of weeks working as an ocean pianist on the seven seas.

Singer & Coach

There is hardly anything that fills my heart more than singing with others. I was able to experience this at home at the kitchen table and then as a member of great ensembles at an early age. Over the years, I have learned that it is not magic at all when it sounds good. And having had the privilege of giving regular workshops with ONAIR I still enjoy working with ensembles, for example, on pieces that I have previously arranged for them.

Fotoshooting Auswahl32

Sometimes I feel F major

The idea that music and I would probably have something to do with each other for a longer time first became really clear to me in the confusion of puberty. When good or bad feelings came over me, they were often difficult to put into words. However, I found my voice when a piano first smiled at me. And when I would play for my own enjoyment and practice a little Bach, it may not have earned me any credits for the next piano lesson, but in the long run it gave me an invaluable friend with 88 keys.

Supporting others on their way to the "music-is-my-friend" experience has always been what motivates me. Whether it's arranging choral pieces, singing with children, performing on stage, or teaching: I'm passionate about promoting music as a language and I want to encourage others to use it to express their feelings and to get in touch with each other.

Can I support you on your way? Just write me a message!


What has happened so far ...

1983 born in Berlin

I don't remember that, of course, but I do remember the harpsichord in our living room, which has always fascinated me.

1983 born in Berlin

1990 Getting to know my friend with 88 keys

At the age of four, I was introduced to the cello. However, the desire quickly waned - not least because the cello teacher's free-range rabbit always nibbled at my shoes.

My introduction to the piano three years later had a longer-lasting impact. We are still very close friends to this day.

1990 Getting to know my friend with 88 keys

1994-2003 Händel-Gymnasium

I sang loud and high in the children's choir of the parish and did stress tests on all Orff instruments before I went to the music-oriented Georg-Friedrich-Händel Gymnasium in 1994.

Here in 1995, as a member of the Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin, I didn't dare join 40 teenage girls on a four-week concert tour of Japan - my life could have taken a very different turn!

However, I made up for the concert tours later as a member of the youth choir Die Primaner, with whom I won 1st prizes (and more importantly: friends for life) at competitions in the USA and South Korea.

1994-2003 Händel-Gymnasium

1997-2014 founding member of the a-cappella-sextett "musix"

In 1997 I founded the a cappella sextet muSix with friends from that same youth choir. We believed that singing pop songs without any instruments was a world novelty and we owed this early passion to our general unawareness. muSixwith friends from that same youth choir. We believed that singing pop songs without any instruments was a world novelty and we owed this early passion to our general unawareness

Around that time I also started arranging pop songs for a cappella singing.

What was then curiosity (and the lack of suitable sheet music) soon became passion and consequently later my profession.

1997-2014 founding member of the a-cappella-sextett "musix"

2006-2010 Studies at the Dresden University of Music

After graduating from high school and doing my civilian service, I studied composition and arrangement (jazz/rock/pop) at the Hochschule für Musik „Carl Maria von Weber“ in Dresden.

During this time I also started my work as a freelance arranger AuerVoices, Gretchens Antwort, den Jazzchor Freiburg, MAYBEBOP, MEDLZ, ONAIR, Pop-Up, den Psycho-Chor der Uni Jena, Sjaella, SoulFood Delight,  Twäng! and many more).

2006-2010 Studies at the Dresden University of Music

2010-2021 Church music director in Berlin-Neukölln

Immediately after graduation, the lure of a 50% permanent position as a church musician in the parish of St. Dominicus in Berlin-Neukolln. It not only provided consistent income when creative work opportunities were limited but it also taught me the great joy of inspiring children and young people with music.

2010-2021 Church music director in Berlin-Neukölln

2011 "Fhainkost"

Fhainkost"- a tribute to our beloved hometown of Berlin, was the sixth album of muSix and the first with an original repertoire. Both writing and composing and then dealing with the very personal songs on stage made this time very valuable and intense for me.

2011 "Fhainkost"

2011 joining ChorusOnline as freelance arranger

In 2011 I became a member of the international choral sheet music platform ChorusOnline- which works closely with the world's major music publishers, giving me the opportunity to sell arrangements of pop songs 100% legally. Since then I have published more than 60 arrangements there. (see all arrangements).

2011 joining ChorusOnline as freelance arranger


In 2012-2014, I returned to the Dresden University of Music as a teacher for arranging.


2013-2018 Founding Member of ONAIR

In 2013, I arranged and directed the songs for "The Voices of Winter," a concert tour with Jocelyn B. Smith and muSix.

Also in this year I was co-founder of the vocal band ONAIR with which I was privileged to win several 1st prizes as well as to perform concerts all over the world (for example in Taipei, Chicago, Los Angeles, Moscow, Miami, Tampere).

2013-2018 Founding Member of ONAIR

2012 and 2013 Film Scoring

During these years I was able to compose music for two short films: „Gestalten“ and „Emma“.

2012 and 2013 Film Scoring

2015 Workshops at chor.com and BERvokal

In 2015, I held workshops on the subject of "Arranging for Choirs and Vocal Groups" at both chor.com and BERvokal and loved being able to exchange ideas about the art of singing and arranging with so many colleagues.

2015 Workshops at chor.com and BERvokal

2016 Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär'

Mein Arrangement zu diesem Volkslied wurde durch ONAIR bekannt und fand Einzug in das Repertoire vieler Chöre, nicht nur im deutschprachigen Raum.
Besonders gefreut hat mich, dass „Die Primaner“ u.a. mit dieser Bearbeitung den Grand Prix beim Internationalen Chorwettbewerb 2016 in Budapest gewinnen konnten.

2016 Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär'

2017-2019 Leading the a cappella team of arrangers at ChorusOnline

After many years of arranging for ChorusOnline I am now coordinating the work of the international team of a cappella arrangers. The exchange with my colleagues in Belgium, Great Britain and the Netherlands is a great inspiration for my own arrangements.

2017-2019 Leading the a cappella team of arrangers at ChorusOnline

2019 - time for new arrangements and compositions

In 2018 and 2019, I composed and published a number of choral works and children's songs, for example forPop-Up and RKW 2019. A number of these were premiered as part of a national television church service in April 2019.

2019 - time for new arrangements and compositions

2020 - refuge with a "Fluegel" - a dream come true

The pandemic hit the industry hard. Fortunately, not as much for me after my retirement from the stage, but my creative juices were also flowing more slowly - on the one hand, because many choirs simply weren't requesting new arrangements and on the other hand, in the face of months of constant childcare, little that is useful wants to stick on the staff. However, with the relocation of my work to a small studio in our courtyard, a creative retreat has emerged that is allowing new ideas to sprout again.

2020 - refuge with a "Fluegel" - a dream come true

since 2020 - audio productions for the German carol singers

Who doesn't know them - they go from house to house at Christmas time and collect money for children in need. In addition to the well-known songs, the carol singers also sing a new theme song every year, which I have been allowed to record and produce with a small group of singers since 2020.

since 2020 - audio productions for the German carol singers

2021-2022 - Arranging and Producing for ONAIR

My desire to remain closely connected to the group even after my exit from ONAIR was fulfilled in a special way during these two years. Not only was I back onstage for some concerts as a substitute for Kris but I also contributed to the arrangement for the song „Identity“ where I provided my vision for the piece as a recording supervisor and co-producer

2021-2022 - Arranging and Producing for ONAIR


Das Jahr steht ganz im Zeichen neuer Chorarrangements, u.a. für den Jazzchor Freiburg. Aber auch neue Felder habe ich mir erschlossen: So betreue ich seit Anfang des Jahres einen wöchentlichen Podcast und produziere zusammen mit der großartigen Sprecherin Maria Juch die deutsche Fassung der norwegischen Kindergeschichte „Die Huffabande“ 

Ende November ist mein Klavier-Soloalbum „Auf leise Weise – Advent“ erschienen, auf dem ich mich mit diesen alten Melodien, die mir sehr viel bedeuten, auseinandergesetzt habe.


Any questions? Just drop me a message!

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